The "Babes in the Woods" murder case
The most infamous murder case in the history of Vancouver, British Columbia was unearthed on January 15, 1953 when the tiny skeletons of two children were found under leaves and a woman's "oilskin" coat deep in Stanley Park. For 45 years these children were thought to be a boy and a girl under 10 years of age. Dubbed the "Babes in the Woods," there was renewed interest in 1998 when DNA testing on the teeth of the skeletons revealed they were actually half-brothers. Can you help identify them?
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
One must review the reason why a woman who was dressed to the hilt would blindly run after two small boys running wild off the trail. would it not be better to yell get you butts back here. He metal state is on edge..she is overwhelmed by the woods, the man in uniform..she is losing it, the murder weapon in her hand has been brought to the park my the children
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